Enrolment Procedure

Greerton Village School is in the “heart of Greerton Village” and is proud to be the center of such a great community.
The school is situated in a beautiful park-like setting. With large trees around most of the grounds circumference, Greerton Village School is a true little gem in the Greerton shopping area.
We are passionate about creating the very best learning environment for our students, teachers and the community, and we welcome you to come and and meet with us so that we can take you for a tour around our school.
To Enrol your child(ren) please:
1.Complete the Online Enrolment Form & Download Cyber Safety Agreement on this page.
2.Download the Information Booklet, Enrolment Form & Cyber Safety Agreement on this page.
3.Collect an Enrolment Pack from the school office at 151 Greerton Road.
4.Please download a Student Health Maintenance Plan if required
When bringing in your enrolment form, please attach the following documents:
• Proof of Address in school zone (Tenancy Agreement/Purchase Agreement)
• Birth Certificate or Passport
• Immunisation Record
• Student Health Maintenance Plan (if required)
We require all 2024 Enrolments, so that we can work out our staffing allocation with the Ministry of Education. We encourage parents to enrol their child(ren) when they turn four years old. Once enrolled, you will be able to keep up to date with what’s happening at our school through the our newsletter. Early enrolment also helps us to plan the number of New Entrant rooms we need throughout the year.
All New Entrants can come for school visits to help them transition to school. Please contact the school to arrange the visits, which will take place at agreed times.
Enrolment Zone Information
Home Zone
All children living in our enrolment zone are entitled to attend Greerton Village School. Enrolments are taken at all levels throughout the year. If you are living in zone and haven’t indicated to the school that your son/daughter will be attending at some stage, please contact Suzie Pankhurst. spankhurst@greerton.school.nz
Start at the northern end of Coopers Road (Tom Muir Drive excluded).
The boundary tracks south-west to the northern end of Bongard Street, then continues down to the northern end of Wylie Street, to include all oddresses or these streets and off adjoining cul—de—sacs.
From Wylie Street, the boundary tracks south around Jones Street, to the western end of Alach Street, to include all addresses on Chadwick Road and adjoining cut-de-sacs. The boundary follows the northern boundary of the Tauranga Golf Course to Cameron Road.
The boundary tracks south-west a short distance along Cameron Road, to Oban Road, where it follows Oban Poad, and then Kiteroa Street, including all addresses on these two streets and addresses on Cameron Road from 1157 and 1170, to 1349 and 1392.
The boundary reaches the southern end of Rowhiti Road (off Kiteroa Street) and then tracks east overland to the western end of Glenlyon Avenue (included) and then south to Maleme Street so that addresses up to and including 33 and 36 Maleme Street are within the boundary.
The boundary then crosses State Highway 29 and tracks west of Waterside Drive (including all addresses and all the adjoining cut-de-sacs), and intersects Cheyne Poad east of number 249, so that addresses including and greater than 281 and 266 Cheyne Road are included.
From Cheyne Road, the boundary continues south-west, to include The Boulevard and adjoining cul-de-sacs, and intersects Condor Drive at its southern end so that all Condor Drive addresses are included.
From the intersection of Condor Dr!ve and Inverness Drive, the boundary tracks south of Quail Court and Teal Place and overland to the southern end of Phillips Drive, including all adjoining cut-de-sacs.
From Phillips Drive, the boundary travels east along Wood Road (included) and intersects Oropi Road so that all addresses up to and including 322 and 341 Oropi Road are within the boundary. The boundary then trocks around Pukemapu Road and runs north to 131 Poike Road so that Waimapu Pa Road and Corwen Avenue are within the boundary, and Hollister Lane and adjoining cut-de-sacs are not included.
From the intersection of SH29 and Poike Road, the boundary runs to the coastline, east of College Ploce, so that Windermere Drive and all adjoining cut-de-sacs are included, and then tracks overland to the intersection of Fraser Street and Roys Road. Addresses including and greoter than 509 and 522 Fraser Street are within the boundary.
The boundary then runs from the northern end of Roys Road, across the northern end of Hilltop Road (included) and then to the intersection of Mansels Road and Alverstoke Road (not included). Addresses up to, and including, 121 and 118 Mansels Road are within the boundary.
From 121 Mansels Rood, the boundary runs north to the northern end of Greerton Road so that all addresses and adjoining cut-de-sacs are included. It then intersects ot 1157 Cameron Road and tracks across the north end of Hynds Road and along Coopers Road to return to the starting point, at the northern end of Coopers Road. (All addresses on Hynds Road, Tuthill Street, Coopers Road, and all adjoining cut-de-sacs are included; Sunvale Place and Nework Close are not included.)
Downloads and Links |
GVS Enrolment Scheme January 2016 |
GVS Streets within Enrolment Zone |
School Enrolment 2017 Ballot Info |
Ballot Application Form Out of Zone |
If you are living outside of the school’s zone, it is only possible to secure a place at the school if there is a vacancy. The reason for setting up the enrolment zone is to ensure that our class sizes to not become too large and over-crowded. Children living outside the zone may obtain a place through a ballot system.
Each year the Board of Trustees will determine the number of places which are likely to be available in the following year for the enrolment of students who live outside the home zone. The board will publish this information by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.
If you would like to apply as an out of zone student, please contact the school office
spankhurst@greerton.school.nz or 5412350
Applications for out of zone enrolments will be processed in the following order:
- First priority does not apply as this school does not operate a special programme.
- Second priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
- Third priority must be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
- Fourth priority must be given to any applicant who is a child of a former student of the school.
- Fifth priority must be given to any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of the school.
- Sixth priority must be given to other applicants.
If there are more applicants in the second, third, fourth, or fifth priority groups than there are places available, selection within the priority group will be by a ballot conducted in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary under Section 11G(1) of the Education Act 1989. Parents will be informed of the date of any ballot by notice in a daily or community newspaper circulating in the area served by the school.
Applicants seeking second or third priority status may be required to give proof of a sibling relationship.
Uniform Standards 2023
We expect full school uniform this year, clean and well presented. Our summer uniform is our maroon polo shirt with black shorts and black skort or shorts for girls. In winter we also have the maroon sweater or black polar fleece, with black pants, shorts or skorts. Hats are compulsory in Terms 1 and 4 during the hotter months. Shoes must be black Roman sandals or plain black shoes. No fluffy boots, stilettos, etc! Outrageous hairstyles, including coloured hair, mohawks etc. are not permitted.
Uniforms can be purchased from NZ Uniforms, 94 Elizabeth Street, Tauranga CBD.
Shop Hours are:
Monday – Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm and Saturday 9.00am to 1.00pm.
Payment options are cash, eftpos, credit card and NZ Uniforms are also now offering: NZU Finance Card.
• A minimum purchase of $199 is required to apply for finance
• Two forms of ID must be presented along with proof of address
• Finance term and conditions apply
• Interest free period for 6 months
• Application fee is payable
Work and Income Parent/Caregivers receive quote for School Uniforms from our NZ Uniform Shop and apply to WINZ for assistance. Once approved, WINZ will issue the client with either a “Notice of Credit” or a Payment Card.
Parent/Caregivers can return to store within three days to purchase garments as quoted. Please note: Card can only be loaded to the NZ Uniform branch where uniform is purchased.

Our kura Whare Tee Shirts.
All children are in a Whare Group and will be able to wear their tee shirt on Whare Fridays instead of their school uniform top.
Ranginui – Kikorangi
Ika Roa – Kiwikiwi
Nga Whetu – Kowhai
Papatuanuku – Kakariki
These Tee Shirts represent our four whare/houses and are available in our school office for sale.
The shirts are $10.00 each and are subsidised at this price, our office has a list of your child’s Whare group and Tee Shirt size.
(Picture is for colour purpose only – these are the Whare Leaders wearing their Leader Polo shirts.)