Kimberley Henderson-Ginns
“Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa”
“Ehara taku toa I te toa takitahi, engari he hoa takitini”
“My strength is with the group and not as an individual”
We are very proud of our commitment and loyalty to our school and our community of learners, teachers, staff, Board of Trustees and Whanau including our wider community. Critical to the success of our school is Whanau and community involvement.
Our uniqueness and cultural diversity is consistently accentuated and celebrated and we share these along with our expectations, for all to be given every opportunity to succeed. At Greerton Village School people come first and we never give up on anyone!
We are talented quality educators who accept professional responsibility to provide the very best we can to ensure the on-going learning and well being of all our learners.
We love and value children, love and enjoy teaching, make crucial learning decisions and are all committed to working together to enhance and strengthen the Hauora/Well-being of all.
We are a YES school and we are all part of a courageous and persistent team that abides by professional and ethical standards and our Code of Conduct. We always support the success of others and team decisions.
A positive, unified approach between staff, learners, parents/caregivers and the school community develops a school climate where learners experience success in a safe, secure and supportive environment that fosters self-esteem and respects the dignity of each and every individual of the school community.
Welcome to Greerton Village School where we inspire, challenge & extend all ākonga to become leaders of their own educational journey
We are brave,
We have mana,
We show aroha, we can achieve.
Let’s enjoy it together!
Kimberley Henderson-Ginns
To download a copy of our School Charter 2024 -2026, please click on the picture

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5-CHILD Child Abuse Disclosure
To view our latest ERO report please click on the picture